B-Control user files

Name Sort descending Created Size Description
Files related to Digital Audio Workstations
Files related to specific MIDI devices
BCF2000/BCR2000 USB drivers
Factory presets
BFC2000 and BCF2000 factory presets
BCF2000 and BCR2000 firmware
Some manuals and info

Here "trusted" users can upload files related to the BCF2000 and BCR2000, and anyone can download these files.
To become a "trusted" user, all you have to do is wait a while after your registration: when I'm satisfied that you're not a bot or otherwise evil, I will make you a trusted user. This should usually occur within a day after registration. If you still can't upload files after about three days, you can drop me a message via the contact form to convince me you're not a bot.

The DAWs folder contains presets for managing DAWs (Digital Audio Workstations).

The Devices folder contains subfolders for manufacturers (Roland, Yamaha etc.), and these in turn contain a subfolder for each specific device (synth etc.).

The Drivers folder contains several Windows USB drivers for the BCF2000 and BCR2000.
For discussion, see the "Windows USB drivers for BCF2000/BCR2000" document (available from the BCF2000/BCR2000 page), or the BC Manager manual, section 4 ("BCF2000/BCR2000 setup"), points 4 and 5.

The Factory presets folder contains the factory presets of the BCF2000 and BCR2000.

The Firmware folder contains BCF2000 and BCR2000 firmware versions 1.07 and 1.10.
For discussion, see the BC Manager manual, section 10 ("The B-Controls window"), under MIDI -> Maintenance -> Send firmware.

See this topic in the B-Control forum for further discussion of the B-Control user file section.