

Esp. FCB1010 Manager

By Fiahoow, 18 May, 2023


This looks like excellent software with great, clean, and clear layout and functionality. I found your post on the FCB Yahoo forum.

I have downloaded the Manger onto my MacBook Air M1 and purchased a Roland UM-One Mk2. I have also downloaded the driver for the interface from Roland.

By Catacryptal27, 12 May, 2023

Hi! I bought a brand new FCB1010, trying to connect it with my Neural DSP Petrucci Plugin standalone version. But, when I try to map the editor, I have 0 values on pedals 6,7 and 8, on CNT 1 boxes. When I try to disable the values, it's not working... 

What should I do?


How can I upload an image I took of the issue?

By SurfCat, 21 April, 2023

Hello, thank you for making and supporting the FCB util software.

Recently I bought a FCB to control effects and loops in reaper with guitar. However I ran into a issue (noob mistake?). Following this video I tried setting up the FCB to control NeuralDSP through reaper, but the SysEx is never received.


By cytobez, 3 April, 2023

My surfacebook 3 laptop will not recognize the FCB1010 as an enable device inside of the manager. I use the FCB1010 with my desktop and it works perfectly. It should show up as my external sound card Tascam US-144MKII but there is nothing there. I have 2 neural dsp plugins installed and they recognize the soundcard and work fine. I troubleshooted the issue by pluging in a MIDI keyboard and it recognized it right away. I've downloaded all three of the installers from mountain utiliites and checked for the latest update. I've checked the MIDI cables.

By ahmed924944, 16 March, 2023

PROM vs 2.55 --- I currently have a FCB1010 with the old PROM 2.1 which I want to upgrade. Current eBay sellers have PROM vs 2.55 available, both advertised as the latest from Behringer(?), and thus non UNO or Eurekaprom. Will either PROM work with Mountain Utilities FCB1010 Manager 2.2.1 for Windows? I guess PROM 2.55 would be preferred if indeed the latest and compatible...

By harmonicabr, 17 February, 2023

Hi, folks! Greetings from Brazil!

Actually Im just new to this midi controller world and want to know if the fcb1010 can control the assigns on the rc600 right away or do I need aditional stuff to do the trick?

Thanks in advance! :) 

By okidoki, 7 December, 2022

Anyone having any success making the FCB1010 work with the NEURAL DSP plugins? 

By Liam, 5 September, 2022

Hi there,

I'm fairly new to FCB1010 and the FCB1010 Manager so apologies for my ignorance.

I have recently got the FCB1010 Manager working with my FCB1010 so that I can program something in the manager and send it to the FCB1010!  Yay!

Now I am trying to work out how to program it to work as I want.  My main aim is to setup the FCB1010 to manage Ableton live (play, stop, record, left, right, up, down etc).

By lugi, 27 August, 2022

Hi Forum

I just bought the USB-Midi Interface M-Audio Uno to connect it with the FCB1010.

The M-Audio Uno seems to be correctly installed on Windows 10 but I don't manage to see it in the FCB1010 Manager.

The only MIDI devices appearing are:

Input - None

Output - Microsoft MiDI Mapper; Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth

Does anyone know about this problem and how it could be fixed?

Thanks in advance
