
Several GUI-related bugs in OS X applications fixed

New versions of several applications are now available for OS X:

A-880 Manager
BC Manager
MIDI Tools

Most significantly, the new version of BC Manager fixes a window-related bug that often produced "Division by zero" error boxes on application termination.

Additionally, all these versions improve the behavior of the menu bar.

Full details can be found at the respective download pages of these applications.

A-880 Manager 3.0.0 for OS X and Windows released

A-880 Manager 3.0.0 for OS X and Windows was released today.
The OS X edition is a first for A-880 Manager!

To download the application, please visit the A-880 page at this site.

Main new features of this version:

  • A manual.
  • Switching between different setups for the application (including MIDI I/O device states).
  • Switching between different window layouts ('desktops').
  • Many enhancements to the user interface.
  • Many internal improvements to MIDI input and output communication.
  • The 'MIDI controllers' window.
  • The 'MIDI program changer' window.
  • Many new facilities in the MIDI System Exclusive window.

See section 2 of the manual for the full list of new features.

FCB1010 Manager 2.0.0 for OS X and Windows released

FCB1010 Manager 2.0.0 for OS X and Windows was released today.

To download the application, please visit the FCB1010 page at this site.

Main new features of this version:

  • A manual.
  • The 'MIDI controllers window'.
  • The 'MIDI program changer window'.
  • Switching between different setups for the application (including MIDI I/O device states).
  • Switching between different window layouts ('desktops').
  • Improved display of SW 1 and 2.
  • Corrected interaction between CNT 1 and NOTE.

Additionally, in the OS X edition several serious bugs concerning MIDI input and output were fixed.

See section 2 of the manual for the full list of new features.

BC Manager 3.1.0 for OS X and Windows released

BC Manager 3.1.0 for OS X and Windows was released today.

To download the application, please visit the BC Manager page at this site.

Main new features of this version:

  • Switching between different setups for the application (including MIDI I/O device states).
  • Switching between different window layouts ('desktops').
  • Many new facilities in the MIDI System Exclusive window, such as individual byte editing, the new 'probe' panel and Roland checksum correction.
  • In the MIDI controllers window, the control bars respond to incoming Control Change messages.

Additionally, in the OS X edition several serious bugs concerning MIDI input were fixed.

See section 2 of the manual for the full list of new features.

MIDI Tools 2.0.1 for OS X and Windows released

MIDI Tools 2.0.1 for OS X and Windows was released today.

This version corrects a few minor problems that were introduced in version 2.0.0:

  • The 'Restart with default setup' operation automatically enables certain MIDI devices again.
  • OS X edition only: Updates to the timer window are taken seriously again.
  • Windows edition only: When the application is started for the very first time or after 'Restart with default setup', the main window is positioned at the intended fixed position again (rather than at a more or less random position).

To download the application, please visit the MIDI Tools page at this site.

MIDI Tools 2.0.0 for OS X and Windows released

MIDI Tools 2.0.0 for OS X and Windows was released today.

To download the program, please visit the MIDI Tools page at this site.

The main new features of this version:

  • Switching between different setups for the program (including MIDI I/O device states).
  • Switching between different window layouts ('desktops').
  • Many new facilities in the MIDI System Exclusive window, such as individual byte editing, the new 'probe' panel and Roland checksum correction.
  • In the MIDI controllers window, the control bars respond to incoming Control Change messages.
  • In the MIDI System messages window, SysEx messages can be sent repeatedly.

Additionally, in the OS X edition several serious bugs concerning MIDI input were fixed.

See section 2 of the manual for the full list of changes.

BC Manager 3.0.0 for OS X and Windows released

BC Manager 3.0.0 for OS X and Windows was released today.

To download the program, please visit the BC Manager page at this site.

This version is a major upgrade.
It has many new exciting features, such as:

  • Many new graphical possibilities in the layout windows. Most importantly, the background of each element (button/encoder/fader) can be any of 17 colors. Furthermore, each preset can have its own image.
  • Each preset has an Author field, editable on the Info tab of the preset dialog box.
  • New default text file types: bcf (for the BCF2000) and bcr (for the BCR2000). Whereas all 'old' formats (syx, txt and bc2) are still supported, it is recommended to switch to bcf and bcr; see section 2 of the manual for further discussion.
  • By default, BC Manager maintains backups of B-Control files.
  • In the button, encoder and fader list windows you can bulk-edit the element names and swap Value 1 and 2, and you can quickly set up an element (or range of elements) for 'standard' NRPN messages (just as you already could for Program Change and Control Change).
  • A window from which you can send NRPN and RPN messages. Useful for testing purposes.
  • In the 'Window list' dialog box you can make all windows visible in one operation.

See section 2 of the manual for the full list of new features.

MIDI Tools 1.8.0 for OS X and Windows released

MIDI Tools 1.8.0 for OS X and Windows was released today.

To download the program, please visit the MIDI Tools page at this site.

New in this version:

  • A window from which you can send NRPN and RPN messages. Useful for testing purposes. See the manual for more information.
  • In the ‘Window list’ dialog box you can make all windows visible in one operation.

FCB1010 Manager 1.2.2 for OS X and Windows released

FCB1010 Manager 1.2.2 for OS X and Windows was released today.

The Windows edition features improvements in several areas, such as the user interface and MIDI communication.

This version is the first to come with an OS X edition. Its feature set is almost identical to that of the Windows edition.

For further details and downloads, please visit the FCB1010 page at this site.

BC Manager 2.6.0 for OS X and Windows released

BC Manager 2.6.0 for OS X and Windows was released today.

To download the program, please visit the BC Manager page at this site.

This version features improvements in various areas, such as the user interface and MIDI communication. See the BC Manager page for details.

The OS X edition:

This is the first version of BC Manager to feature an OS X edition!
I won’t bore you by going into any technical details of the tortuous road to this release. Let me just mention that BC Manager defines close to 140 different window and dialog types, all of which I've had to painstakingly convert to OS X...

If you have access to a Mac, please test this version and report back any problems. This will help me iron out the wrinkles as soon as possible.
On my own Mavericks system the program seems stable and fully functional (apart from a few graphical things that don’t work, as already mentioned in the manual), but perhaps other configurations may show up problems.

Brief impressions can be put in the comments below. (Naturally I'm hoping for 'it works!' rather than reports of trouble...)
However, bugs and feature requests are best reported in the B-Control forum at this site.
Thank you in advance!
