Yamaha an200 extended commands control

By 3yHUfaCseDM9i, 27 July, 2022

i'm looking for something to control my AN200 in the same way the software would, but without the software (since it's dated and doesn't run on my computer). I believe I will have to use sysex to accomplish this, as the midi implementation chart doesn't suggest any regular CC assignment to all those juicy features. Searching for a controller with the ability to transmit sysex brought me to the BCR2000. i heard on a forum there was custom software for the BCR2000 that extends its capabilities, which I am not sure I need but alright (this will be a learning process about sysex and all that for me, the first time diving in). The forum link mentioning this custom software referred to a Yahoo group, which of course is no longer in existence.

I'm wondering if anyone has experience with using the BCR2000 with this deck, or with its brother, the DX200, specifically to access those hidden features only natively accessible through Yamaha's XX200 companion software. If anyone could chime in I would appreciate it.


2 years 5 months ago

Hi, strangely-named person.  I have a bunch of files I downloaded and tinkered with about 9 years ago when I had an AN200.  You are welcome to them:





AN200 draft.txt

AN200 Sysex Table.pdf

AN200 Sysex Table.xlsx





Might need some figuring out, but better than starting from nothing. 

Marc, is it possible to upload or share files here?  I have a vague memory that it is, but I don't recall how/where.  Otherwise I can put them on a temporary link, but they would be better hosted here if possible (70.2kb zip file).


2 years 5 months ago

Hi BillB, thanks for the quick replies!

I downloaded the files and it looks like a work in progress, which is cool with me as it will be good for learning.

I want to get an idea of what I can anticipate gaining from this effort though. It sounds like the BCR is the tool I need, as it should allow me to get the required custom sysex messages into my midi stream.

Accessing the hidden features on the AN200 will be awesome, but I'm wondering exactly how awesome… For example, it would be great to be able to sequence parameter adjustments I make on the BCR, but I know my sequencer does not record sysex. I wonder if there would be a way to have the BCR respond to regular CC by sending sysex (so, acting as a translator)? Probably not but thought I'd ask.

As for the rest, I will read through the documentation on this site and let you guys know if I have any more questions. If someone wanted to have a look in that an200 archive linked above and give me a general idea of how such files are put to use in BC Manager universe, that would be cool, but not totally required.

Again, thanks!


I wonder if there would be a way to have the BCR respond to regular CC by sending sysex (so, acting as a translator)? Probably not but thought I'd ask.

No indeed: the BCR cannot send SysEx messages in response to CC messages.

As for the rest, I will read through the documentation on this site and let you guys know if I have any more questions.

One place that may help is section 14 of BC MIDI Implementation.pdf (which is part of all BC Manager packages, and can be opened conveniently from BC Manager itself). Particularly section 14.6 ("Custom output") is a must if you want to learn how to use BC Manager to program the BCR to output SysEx messages. It's rather "dry" though, so you might also try Royce Craven’s BCSecrets.pdf, which (as BCMI section 14.6 mentions) takes "a less formalistic approach, more directly aimed at concrete problem-solving".

Hope this helps,


2 years 5 months ago

Hi, have a look at the AN200 manual p118-119.  The table there shows you the CCs that can be used to control a wide range of performance parameters, no need to do any sysex/cc conversion.  This list is just to give you a flavour - it makes more sense in the table.:

SCENE         scene 3 -

LFO        wave 15 -

        pmd 18 - *

        pmd2 57 -

        fmd 19 - *

        amd 80 -

        speed 16 - *

AEG        attack 73* -

        decay 75* -

        sustain 31 -

        release 72* -

FEG        attack 82 -

        decay 83 -

        sustain 28 -

        release 29 -

Common key assign 8 -

    portamento 5* -

VCO1     wave 50 - *

SYNC     mode 34 -

VCO2     wave 51

misc     vco 1/2 68 -

    fm depth 35 -

    sync pitch 22 -

    noise level 39 -

EFFECT     type 88 -

    param 48 - *

    wet ( send ) 94 94

DISTORTION    switch 49 - *

VCF     cutoff 74*

    filter type 59 -

    resonance 71*

FEG     depth 81 -

MIXER     pan 10* 10*

    volume 7*


2 years 5 months ago

Mark van den Berg, thanks for the clarification. I pretty much figured that would be out. It would be nice to automate the controls I'm after, but I understand that won't be available for non-CC messages, sadly.

BillB, thank you for looking that up for me. I checked that as well, and it looks like there are a few CCs that may take me beyond the front panel, but I'm looking to control things like the ring modulation, distortion types, and LFO2. I found this great old review article about the an200, and it has a nice list of things you can't access except through the software (at the end, titled FUNCTIONS ONLY AVAILABLE USING THE EDITOR"). A lot of these would really open this instrument up even more than it already is. There are many voices in the presets, for example, that can't be replicated through the panel controls alone.

Looking up some of these features I see them represented in the table titled "MIDI Parameter Change table ( Current Voice Common Buffer)." This table starts on page 121 of the manual. This table is referenced several times in "Section 2 System Exclusive Messages." I am sort of assuming this means the specs shown on this table indicate how to program the sysex needed to control the parameters listed.

Honestly though, I have no idea what I'm looking at there. [emoticon:smiley] I still have a lot of learning ahead of me to pull this off, so if anyone wanted to give me a high-level overview of what that table is telling me, and what other concepts I will need to know in order to put that data to use, you wouldn't find me unattentive…