What is the right midi setting for Amplitube 4

By Blackwolf, 16 June, 2019

Hi, everybody,

What is the right midi setup for Amplitube 4??

is this correct?? see below..


Thnx in advance

Best Regards , Blackwolf

Mark van den Berg

5 years 7 months ago

Two remarks concerning the setup shown in your image:

1. I don't understand why SW1 and SW2 are "On" in many of the presets. Since AmpliTube is software running on a computer, presumably you want to control AmpliTube via the FCB's MIDI OUT, not via the FCB's SWITCH 1 and 2 sockets.

2. The setup uses PC 1 to send MIDI Program 1 and 6, PC 2 to send Program 2 and 7, etc. However, PCs 1-5 are sent via the MIDI channels defined in the FCB's Global Configuration, and normally each of these 5 MIDI channels should be unique: there would be no point in having (for instance) PC 1 and PC 2 on the same MIDI channel. Related to this: AmpliTube only listens to the "Receive channel" set in its MIDI Control dialog box. (Actually you can set this to "All", but I wouldn't recommend that.) So what you should probably do is use only one PC, for instance PC 1: make sure that PC 1's MIDI channel (as defined in Global Configuration) matches AmpliTube's Receive channel, and match the Program number of the PC 1 definition of each FCB preset to the AmpliTube preset you wish to select.

Hope this helps,


5 years 6 months ago

Hi everybody , my plan is that i want to use the stompboxes separate on/off and in stompbox slot (Wah on/off) (preset 1 till 5).

and i wanna use to switch racks on/off with preset 6,7,and 8 and for skipping i and to use preset 9 and 10.

What can you recommend me for setting in amplitube 4?

Thnx in advance Black Wolf (peter)