Using BC manager & a daw at the same time

By JoPo, 8 February, 2019

Hi !

I've got that new computer and I'm unable to use BC manager and my daw (cubase 10) at the same time. When cubase is running, BC manager can't reach my BCF2000 midi usb I/O. That's annoying because I need to map midi CC's in my BCF continuously.

It must be doable since on my ancient pc, it was working. But the machine is old and I can't remember how I set it up.

Any advices ?


Thanks !


5 years 11 months ago

By reading the manual, I see that virtual midi drivers are multiclient. So I add 2 : one "From BCF" and one "To BCF", like that, I'll use them in BC manager and cubase.

But now, how can I link the virtual midi cable to the BCF usb driver ? I don' find the answer in the manual ! Aaaarrrr.. [emoticon:wink]


5 years 11 months ago

Ouffff ! Tha's it ! I did it ! With some routing tweack in Bome translator. But I did not all of that on my ancient pc. Strange...