Studio One Issue - Learn creates 2 knobs per parameter

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Studio One Issue - Learn creates 2 knobs per parameter

I had this working flawlessy a while back.  At some point i had to reinstall all of my software and I have been struggling to get the BCR2000 back up running like it should.

I loaded the BCR2000-2 setup file in Studio One and reloaded the BCR2000 14 bit preset back into the BCR2000.

When i learn a parameter, the it creates 2 knobs in the "external device" the first knob behaves low resolution and the second knob behaves high resolution.  The BCR will spin the 2nd knob many revolutions to much smaller increments on the first knob. The parameter wants to be tied to first knob which jumps instead of fine addjustments.  This had been set up properly once upon a time.  I can't seem to figure out what is going on with this setup.

TWB's picture


I did not have the correct XML file in the User Device folder.