MCU Display not working

By yoshimodular, 10 July, 2020


I'd like to use MIDI Tool to receive the feedback from Cubase to display the current state of my MCU controllers.

I've set up everything using Bomes MIDI Translator to intercept the MCU flux from Cubase to MIDI Tools but, for same reason, it does not show the current state.

I'm using MIDI Tools in Mojave and I've tried any available version (the RC1 and the older ones).

The display of my Behringer XTouch is pretty shitty, so it would be great using MIDI Tools as MCU Monitor. Is there any known issue with this?



Mark van den Berg

4 years 7 months ago

Is there any known issue with this?

No. As far as I know, the Mackie monitor windows of MIDI Tools work correctly.

Does MIDI Tools actually receive the proper Mackie display messages from Cubase?
You can check this by pressing the Record button in the "MIDI input messages" window.
The Mackie display messages should be System Exclusive messages starting with F0 00 00 66 xx 12.

Hope this helps,


4 years 6 months ago

Hi Mark!


Thanks a lot for answering.


As long as I can see, MIDI Monitor does show the SYSEX info from Cubase, but MIDI Tools filters it, it's not shown in the Input message section.

00  F0 00 00 66 14 12 3C 31  30 20 41 75 64 69 6F 31  |   f  <10 Audio1|

10  20 41 75 64 69 31 31 20  41 75 64 69 6F 31 20 41  | Audi11 Audio1 A|

20  75 64 69 31 32 20 41 75  64 69 6F 31 20 41 75 64  |udi12 Audio1 Aud|

30  69 31 33 20 41 75 64 69  6F 31 F7                 |i13 Audio1 |



Mark van den Berg

4 years 6 months ago

In reply to by yoshimodular

The format of your example message is correct.

I've just tested the Windows edition of the latest MIDI Tools version (2.2.0 Release Candidate 2): as far as I can tell, its Mackie Monitors work perfectly. I've even sent your example message from MIDI Tools back to MIDI Tools via a virtual MIDI device: the Mackie Monitor shows it correctly.
In theory there could be something wrong with the latest macOS edition of MIDI Tools, but this doesn't seem likely.

MIDI Monitor does show the SYSEX info from Cubase, but MIDI Tools filters it, it's not shown in the Input message section.

MIDI Tools as such doesn't filter any incoming messages, provided that the MIDI input device concerned is enabled in the "MIDI devices" dialog box.

The "MIDI input messages" window only shows the SysEx messages received on the enabled MIDI input devices if the Record button has been pressed and the "System Exclusive" checkbox is checked.

However, the settings in the "MIDI input messages" window don't affect the Mackie Monitors of MIDI Tools in any way:
A Mackie Monitor always displays any Mackie display message received by MIDI Tools on the MIDI input device defined for that Mackie Monitor, again provided that this input device has been enabled in the "MIDI devices" dialog box.

Does MIDI Tools receive any messages from Cubase, such as Note On/Off, Control Change etc.?
If not, there may be something wrong with the data flow from Cubase to MIDI Tools.
You need to set up a virtual MIDI device correctly; see section 8 of the MIDI Tools manual for tips about this.
You mentioned that you're using Bome MIDI Translator; I don't know anything about this, but the problem may have to do with that. (In fact, I was under the impression that you can simply use the virtual MIDI device system built into macOS itself, but I may be mistaken.)

Hope this helps,