Hi Newbie here,
Bit of a tech phobe too. :(
I just purchased a BCF 2000 with the hope of riding faders controlling CC's such as CC1 CC11 etc in Cubase. I want to be able to write into a track by moving the mechanical faders, and then read out the positions of these faders back into the BCF. I want it so that if I swap to another track in Cubase, I can still control the same parameters. This way I set up the BCF to commonly used CCs.
Read the manual, but it was not really directed at doing this.
I have set up my BCF in Cubase, and it is reading both ways I think. There is some residual programming from a previous owner that is working. I tried to get the BCF to work and got it to record a lane of volume into Cubase, but it also recordinged about eight lanes of garbage that I did not want, into other controller lanes. I dont really know why. I currently also have two faders (3 & 4) responding to volume.
If someone can please walk me through the process, for say CC11 I can probably work it out from there.
thank you.
Since I don't have Cubase, I can't help you with the Cubase side of your setup, so all I can do is give you some tips about the BCF:
Obviously there are always two sides to any type of communication between two devices, in this case your BCF and Cubase.
To analyze and fix your problems, you should look at both sides: first make sure that the sender (primarily your BCF) sends exactly what it should, then make sure that the receiver (primarily Cubase) responds the way you want it to respond.
Assuming that you are using the BCF in standard B-Control mode (i.e. not in some Mackie emulation mode), the BCF's 32 programmable presets come into play.
What you're reporting here suggests that you're using one of these presets (the BCF display should specify this number: "P-nn"), and that this "residual" preset has been set up in a way that doesn't quite do what you want. (Alternatively there could be a hardware problem in the BCF, but let's not immediately think the worst.)
One way to get to grips with things is this:
Hope this helps,