Eprom v2.5

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Hans V
Hans V's picture
Eprom v2.5

Hello there,

I bought a Behringer FCB1010 but it don't work with the FCB1010 Manager.

The Eprom inside is not the right version, I assume (there is no sticker with V2.4 or V2.5)

I have searched on the internet and found many with UNO and Eureka software but no original with V2.5 software.

Please can you advise where to find an original Behringer Eprom with V2.5 software that works with the FCB1010 Manager?






Mark van den Berg
Mark van den Berg's picture

I bought a Behringer FCB1010 but it don't work with the FCB1010 Manager.

The Eprom inside is not the right version, I assume (there is no sticker with V2.4 or V2.5)

Are you absolutely certain your EPROM doesn't work with FCB1010 Manager?

  • Are you using a suitable MIDI-to-USB interface?
  • Have you configured FCB1010 Manager correctly?
  • Have you followed the instructions concerning the Send and Receive operations, as described in section 6 of the FCB1010 Manager manual?

One thing that would help you greatly to determine which EPROM you have, is to send the FCB1010's memory to the computer, capture it in a suitable program (like FCB1010 Manager or MIDI Tools) and analyze it.
In any case Behringer's 2.4 and 2.5 firmware versions allow you to send the FCB1010's memory via its MIDI OUT. E.g. to capture this message in FCB1010 Manager or MIDI Tools, first press the Record button in the "MIDI input messages" window, then start up the FCB1010  in "Global Configuration" mode, go to the "CONFIG" page, and press footswitch 6 ("SYSEX SEND"): a System Exclusive message consisting of exactly 2352 bytes should appear in the "MIDI input messages" window.
I don't know whether non-Behringer chips (or even earlier Behringer firmware such as 2.3) have a similar "SYSEX SEND" operation, but if your chip does, the message(s) it sends might give you a clue to its identity.

Please can you advise where to find an original Behringer Eprom with V2.5 software

Aren't there people on eBay etc. who sell these EPROM chips?
If not, you might try to find an electronics fanatic (perhaps at an electronics shop?) with a suitable EPROM burner, then have that person burn the Behringer 2.5 firmware onto a suitable EPROM chip.

Hope this helps,

Hans V
Hans V's picture

Hi Mark,

Thanks for your suggestions. I'm going to try it all.

I'll let you know the result.

Thanks, Hans