BCR2000 mountain utilities DX7 preset with TX7

By apinksnail, 24 June, 2021

Hello! So Im having trouble trying to build a knobby editor situation with my tx7 to design keyprograms/sample based patches using the classic fm sound. 

Ive downloded the preset from MU and am still having trouble getting it to work. The first encoder has been working but its been behaving as the mod wheel. On the template pdf it says that the first encoder should be OP rate 1. The modwheel control tells me that Ive been succesful getting the present onto the bcr and that it is speaking to the tx7 but im starting to wonder if maybe the TX7 is routed differently than the DX7. does anyone here have experience using the bcr2000 with dx7 or ideally the tx7? 


many thanks in advance! <3


3 years 6 months ago


I have a DX/TX preset at my website https://bwalk.com.au/BC2k/BC2k.html

The pdf files inside the zip have some infomation including the preset template.

All the best



3 years 6 months ago

Hi Royce. Yes that is the preset and the template pdf I am talking about and having trouble with. 


3 years 6 months ago

I got out my TX816 which should be the same sysex as your TX7 and downloaded the BCR preset from my website, So we should be the same.

I loaded the 3 presets into adjacent presets (21 to 23) for all the OPs and it seemed to work OK.

You probably do, but I am wondering if you know about how the group buttons work (on the right of the top row.)?

The Encoder 1 on the Top left has 4 different functions. Check out the Preset Layout and you will see E1 to E4. This is what the top row of switch encoders are controlling depending on what Group button has been selected.

In the first preset, Op 1 uses the top two buttons of the Group buttons with the LEFT one being the 'op amount envelope' and the RIGHT one has all the other parameters for OP1. The second row of two buttons is the same but it is for Op 2.

You can check the system exclusive with Mark's BCR Editor or the Sysex view in his Midi Tools to see what is comming out of the BCR with my preset. The Sysex specification is a bit confusing especialy as Yamaha only show the parameter numbers for OP 6, Here are all the OP parameter numbers .

If all this is incomprehensible then let me know.

All the best


Parameter OP6   OP5   OP4   OP3   OP2   OP1  
EG Rate 1 0 00 21 15 42 2A 63 3F 84 54 105 69
EG Rate 2 1 01 22 16 43 2B 64 40 85 55 106 6A
EG Rate 3 2 02 23 17 44 2C 65 41 86 56 107 6B
EG Rate 4 3 03 24 18 45 2D 66 42 87 57 108 6C
EG Level 1 4 04 25 19 46 2E 67 43 88 58 109 6D
EG Level 2 5 05 26 1A 47 2F 68 44 89 59 110 6E
EG Level 3 6 06 27 1B 48 30 69 45 90 5A 111 6F
EG Level 4 7 07 28 1C 49 31 70 46 91 5B 112 70
KB Level Scale Break 8 08 29 1D 50 32 71 47 92 5C 113 71
KB Level Scale L Depth 9 09 30 1E 51 33 72 48 93 5D 114 72
KB Level Scale R Depth 10 0A 31 1F 52 34 73 49 94 5E 115 73
KB Level Scale L Curve 11 0B 32 20 53 35 74 4A 95 5F 116 74
KB Level Scale R Curve 12 0C 33 21 54 36 75 4B 96 60 117 75
KB Rate Scaling 13 0D 34 22 55 37 76 4C 97 61 118 76
Mod Sens Amplitude 14 0E 35 23 56 38 77 4D 98 62 119 77
Key Velocity Sens 15 0F 36 24 57 39 78 4E 99 63 120 78
Output Level 16 10 37 25 58 3A 79 4F 100 64 121 79
Oscillator Mode 17 11 38 26 59 3B 80 50 101 65 122 7A
Osc Freq Coarse 18 12 39 27 60 3C 81 51 102 66 123 7B
Osc Freq Fine 19 13 40 28 61 3D 82 52 103 67 124 7C
Detune 20 14 41 29 62 3E 83 53 104 68 125 7D


3 years 6 months ago

Hey Royce thank you so much for your support

So I keep trying different things but im wondering if theres some setting either on the bcr2000 or the tx7 that im missing. 

The top right encoder only behaves as the modwheel no matter what encoder group button i have pushed (1+2 being op1 and 3+4 being op2 and so on) 

the other thing is that i figured even if that section wasnt working the other knobs would. The most straight ahead setting to test i could think of is the algorhythm. if its working properly technically it should drastically change the sound of any tx7 patch im working from.

could this mean that i uploaded the bcr preset incorrectly or is there maybe a setting on either unit that i need to change. (i keep turning memory protection off on the tx7 but im not sure what else i might be missing)

thank you again ~~


3 years 6 months ago

It does sound a bit weird. It sounds like either the preset isn't loading or you have saved the preset to a location on the BRC and haven't selected that preset.

Have a look with Mark's editor (get all the data from the BCR) to see if the name of the preset in preset slot 0 (the buffer) is one of  "DX Op 1 & 2", "DX Op 3 & 4" or "DX Op 5 & 6".

If it isn't, then the correct preset is not selected,

Look throught all the presets that you down loaded for the name to see if it is in the BCR. Then select that preset on the BCR.

All the best
