I’m new on this forum (so hello to everyone😊 ) and total rookie in MIDI controlling subject.
I’m using Ableton Live 11 Suite
I Have BCR 2000 controller and i want to map to control Serum on all tracks. For ex. If I arm one of the tracks containing serum my BCR going to control Serum on this track. If I switch to another track containing serum all of the knobs will change parameters to this serum values witch is actually armed.
I have tried several ways to do this but without any luck.
- I use learn MIDI Learn option on every SERUM control knob/button than move corresponding knob on BCR. Works fine but when I choose other track with serum parameters don’t change on BCR. When I move a knob it changes Serum values to actual BCR 2000 values
- I try to use MIDI learn function on BCR than move knob/button on SERUM but it don’t work for every knob. It works for first 8 knobs.
- I try do map serum controls by Configure button in Ableton the learn Button on BCR. It works for first 8 controls.
My BCR have 1.10 Firmware. Im using drivers from official Behringer Site. Connected via USB
I’m using also BCF 2000 via USB and BCR 2000 Zaqencer via MIDI to USB. But also trying to map BCR 2000 to serum alone.
Knobs cofig are: CC, CH 1, midi par other on every knob/button, 0, 127, Abs,
Can you help ?
I use learn MIDI Learn option
One way to improve this situation is to assign different Live tracks to different BCR presets.
This may work because the BCR always maintains the current values of its 32 presets, even when you switch between presets (for instance via the PRESET buttons "<" and ">").
Obviously, to make this work you will have to set up each of these BCR presets to communicate correctly with its corresponding Live track.
I must stress that it's been years since I last used Live, and I don't remember how it behaves in this regard. But if Live allows the user to assign different MIDI channels to different Live tracks, you can create a setup where (for instance) BCR preset 1 and Live track 1 use MIDI Channel 1, BCR preset 2 and Live track 2 use MIDI Channel 2, etc. Then it should not even be necessary to select a Live track to control it from the BCR: you only have to select the corresponding BCR preset.
A useful feature of the BCR is that it can output a so-called "snapshot" of the currently selected preset: this outputs a sequence of MIDI messages containing the current values of all the buttons and encoders of the selected preset.
There are two ways to trigger a snapshot:
Hope this helps,
OK. Thx for fast response.
OK. Thx for fast response.
But in this way i need use few of MIDI channels. I usually use 5-6 tracks with serum. So 6 channels will used by BCR. But i also need free channels for other controllers. I think 16 channels would be not enough. Am I right ?
I usually use 5-6 tracks with
Not necessarily:
On the BCR, MIDI channels aren't defined for a preset as a whole, but for each individual element (button/encoder) in each individual preset.
So the elements of one BCR preset can use many different MIDI channels. (Tip: BC Manager allows you to change the MIDI channel of a range of elements in one operation.)
So if Serum allows you to customize the Controller numbers of its parameters, you could use (for instance) Controllers 0-63 on channel 1 for Serum instrument 1, and Controllers 64-127, also on channel 1, for Serum instrument 2.
If the number of parameters you want to control is small enough, you can even control multiple Serum instruments from a single BCR preset.
As long as the signals coming from different MIDI devices (BCF, BCR etc.) don't come together, these devices can use the same MIDI channels without problem.
For instance, if the MIDI input of track 1 in Live is connected to the MIDI output from your BCF, and the MIDI input of track 2 is connected to the MIDI output from your BCR, then both the BCF and the BCR can use MIDI channel 1, since there is no interference.
Aaaaa ok i see. I'm gonna try
Aaaaa ok i see. I'm gonna try your clues :)).
Thank you for help