BC Manager very slow to send data on MacOS

By Dr.vAx, 9 December, 2022


I've just try to send my whole preset configuration to my BCR2000 with the lastest version (4.1.2) on BigSure.

Compared to the windows10 version, it't about ten times slower on MacOS with the same hardware.

No midi loop, as I've unchecked every devices except the BCR.

Any idea?

BTW: Thanks a LOT for this utilitie I use now for more than 10y :)



Mark van den Berg

2 years 1 month ago

I've just try to send my whole preset configuration to my BCR2000 with the lastest version (4.1.2) on BigSure.

Compared to the windows10 version, it't about ten times slower on MacOS with the same hardware.

On which hardware are you running macOS Big Sur: Intel or Apple's own ARM ("Silicon")?
On Silicon, BC Manager can only run under "Rosetta 2", which might somehow cause your problem. Other people have reported problems with BC Manager (etc.) under Rosetta 2 as well, though I'm not sure whether this is exactly the same problem.
On the other hand, if you're running Big Sur on Intel, the cause might "simply" be some new feature of Big Sur as such.
In either case, there's nothing I can do about it, since I don't have the hardware (either Intel or Silicon) to run Big Sur.