Anyone Have Their Old UNO Chip For Sale?

By pandabear, 25 September, 2024

Hi everyone, I’m excited to be here and grateful for this helpful tool.  I’m using it to loop a witches Synthsrom Deluge, but also want to use it in Logic with Guitar Rig  7. I was able to get the Deluge to function really well doing exactly what I want to be doing, but I’m having a lot of trouble with Logic.

I’m at the point where I know the stock chip won’t suffice and while I’d love to buy the Wino2, I just can’t afford it right now. I am wondering if anyone has their old Uno chip available for purchase in the United States. Maybe you upgraded and still have your old old one around. I’d gladly take it off your hands for a reasonable price plus shipping. I’m located in the Seattle area. I hope I’m not violating any of the forum rules by posting this. If so, I apologize.

Thanks a lot! (And I’ll post a video of my set up once I get all these things are dialed in.)