14 bit Midi CC mode - not updating?

By Dubfire89, 18 November, 2024


If I change the mode of an encoder to 14 bit absolute mode (push or non-push encoder), and then I upload the preset, it doesn't update the parameter to 14 bit.. As soon as I download the preset again from the bcr, the encoder will show up as in Absolute (= 7 bit) mode again. Anyone else able to reproduce this?

Every other change in the parameters uploads correctly..

It would be a really nice feature to have to be able to send more define values for certain applications.

Many thanks,


Mark van den Berg

2 months 3 weeks ago

From BC MIDI Implementation.pdf, section 16.3:

Note that the MIDI output of a 14-bit mode is in fact that of the corresponding 7-bit mode if Controller is 32 or higher, since the MIDI Control Change protocol defines only 32 controller numbers (0-31) for which a corresponding LSB controller number is available (namely 32-63).

So "Absolute 14-bit" only works as expected if Controller is 0-31.

But the BCR indeed converts "Absolute 14-bit" to "Absolute" if Controller is >=32, as demonstrated by the fact that it returns "Absolute" in the preset definition.
I hadn't realized that, so I'll need to rephrase the above quote from BCMI.

I'll also think about including a warning on BC Manager's "Standard output" tab if Controller is >=32 and Mode is 14-bit, similar to the warning on the "General" tab about Resolutions.
