Manager fail

By CHMIELIX, 7 January, 2019


I have installed the Manager, but it won't work. I use Sierra OS and I get "Cannot convert CFStfing to STRING Address: 000A24F9". Is there anything I can do to make it work? Thank you. 

Mark van den Berg

6 years 1 month ago

Thanks for the report!

FCB1010 Manager's latest macOS edition (2.0.0) produces this error message when it cannot convert the name, manufacturer or model of a MIDI input/output device.
I think that this error can occur for a device whose name/manufacturer/model contains a "weird" character: perhaps a character with a diacritic?
So can you check whether you indeed have such a device?
If so, I can try to fix this problem.
(Until I come up with a fix, you can try to temporarily disable the offending device: then the program should start correctly. But of course this assumes that you don't need the offending device to connect to your FCB1010...)


6 years 1 month ago

FCB is connected via midi with Saffire audio interface and thats it. No weird, Polish letters there... :D

Thanks for confirming my suspicion!

You can now download FCB1010 Manager 2.1.0 Alpha 1 for macOS:
[Obsolete link removed]

This version should work correctly with any "weird" characters.
However, I can't verify this myself, since I don't have any MIDI devices with weird characters...
So can you let me know if this version works correctly with your "weird" character?

Provided that this version hasn't introduced any other bugs, I'll then make the release version available as soon as possible.



6 years 1 month ago


thank you, it works fine now! Just one more thing - most windows appear on top of the screen and I cant move them because the top bar is hiding under the clock/wifi bar. Any chance you can change it or I can somehow do it myself? Sorry if its a noob question... :)

Mark van den Berg

6 years 1 month ago

In reply to by CHMIELIX

Whenever FCB1010 Manager starts, all windows initially have X=0 and Y=0 as their left/top coordinates.
However, these coordinates are then supposed to be changed as follows:

  1. The very first time the program starts, it changes all window coordinates to "good" positions. For instance, the "Presets" window is left-aligned below the "FCB1010 Manager" window, and most of the (initially invisible) tool windows are centered on the desktop.
  2. Whenever the program terminates, all current window coordinates are saved in a configuration file.
  3. Upon any restart, the program reloads the window coordinates from the configuration file.

What's probably gone wrong in your case, is that the very first time you ran the program, the MIDI device name error made the program terminate before step (1) above (i.e. the setting of "good" coordinates) could take place.
However, step (2), i.e. the saving of the window coordinates to the configuration file, still took place, with the result that the initial X=0 and Y=0 coordinates were stored in the configuration file.
Then, upon any restart, the program reloads these 0 coordinates, which is especially unfortunate on macOS, since that's where the menu bar is.

The simplest solution is to select the main window ("FCB1010 Manager"), then perform "FCB1010 Manager" -> "Restart with default setup" from the menu bar.
But beware: this will also clear all other settings, such as the enabling/disabling of MIDI devices.

If you really want to keep your other settings, you could edit the window coordinates in the configuration file manually.
However, this file is hard to find:
For instance, in Finder you have to execute "Go to Folder" from the "Go" menu, and enter "/users/UserName/.config/mountain_utilities/fcbman" (without the double quotes), then you can select a text editor to edit the file "fcbman.stp".
But the ".config" folder is hidden, so unless you've configured Finder to show hidden folders, you won't see ".config" in your home folder.
So editing the configuration file manually is probably not worth the effort.

Hope this helps,