MCU 2-digit assignment mode lcd

By hce, 20 April, 2024


Just installed today and it looks really interesting.

Would be very useful for Mackie monitor to also have the MCU 2-digit lcd assignment mode display. Could be very useful when using 'value' display mode.  

Great work thanks!

Mark van den Berg

8 months 4 weeks ago

Would be very useful for Mackie monitor to also have the MCU 2-digit lcd assignment mode display. Could be very useful when using 'value' display mode.

I've never owned an actual Mackie Control, so I'm struggling to understand what you're talking about here.
The Owner's Manual of the MCU Pro / XT Pro manual describes the "MODE LED DISPLAY" (consisting of 2 digits) as "indicat[ing] the current mode of operation for the channel strips". Is that what you're talking about here?
In any case MIDI Tools can only show settings that a Mackie device emits; as yet I have no idea whether (let alone how) Mackie devices emit the settings that you're referring to.



Thanks for replying.

Yeah that's what I mean:

Mackie Control: Assignment Display

The Assignment display (also referred to as the mode display), to the right of the main LCD, shows a two-digit abbreviation for the current assignment status. A period (.) appears at the bottom-right corner of the display when Channel view is active.

I'm not sure either but I have noticed that the assignment/mode display is unique to individual DAWs. Although some characters like Pn (for Pan) are common among different DAWs, others are unique to a particular DAW which would lead me to think that codes are sent from the DAW to the Mackie device? Thanks

Mark van den Berg

8 months 3 weeks ago

In reply to by hce

I have noticed that the assignment/mode display is unique to individual DAWs. Although some characters like Pn (for Pan) are common among different DAWs, others are unique to a particular DAW which would lead me to think that codes are sent from the DAW to the Mackie device?

As far as I know, Mackie have never published any document specifying the MIDI System Exclusive ("SysEx") message format used by any of their devices, and I don't have access to a Mackie device. So I could only start considering support for the assignment/mode display in MIDI Tools, if you or somebody else analyzes the assignment/mode display communication between a DAW and a Mackie, and provides me with the pertinent SysEx message format.


Thanks for your reply. I found the assignment display spec here:

The 2-digit assignment display uses CC numbers 75 and 74. The above link has an appendix with a character table with Mackie Control Code (Bit 5-0) E.g when viewing input messages in MidiTools, the bytes for the 2-digit displays:

"Pn" are "$80 75 16" and "$80 74 14" 

"S_" are "$80 75 19" and "$80 74 31"

"CS.[dot]" are "$80 75 03" and "$80 74 83"

I hope this is helpful. I think it would be super useful to have an assignment display option with the Mackie monitor when using mini controllers that only have limited visual feedback. Thanks again for replying…

Mark van den Berg

8 months 2 weeks ago

In reply to by hce

I found the assignment display spec here

Thanks for the reference! That's extremely helpful.

The 2-digit assignment display uses CC numbers 75 and 74.

That's interesting: the LCD screen uses SysEx messages, so I would never have guessed that the assigment display uses simple CC messages.

The above link has an appendix with a character table with Mackie Control Code (Bit 5-0)

As the 7-segment digit character table demonstrates, each character has a version with and a version without a dot. So to show these characters, I can't simply use a standard font; I'll need to use graphical representations similar to the ones shown in this table.
Related to this, the trickiest part is going to be how to incorporate the 2 assignment display characters in the existing Mackie monitor windows in MIDI Tools.
I'll see what I can do.


Brilliant. Instead of the font why not use the 7-seg and background images already here?

For the display what about something like this: MackieMonitor_assignment_mockup.jpg ?

Thanks for responding. The monitor is great. I've posted about it on the Logic help forum[emoticon:yes][emoticon:wink]


8 months 2 weeks ago

……another (very low priority) feature suggestion here but… in Mackie Monitor, would be nice to have an additional font control (or relative size control) for 'Legend' ……or else just for it to be relatively smaller than main font of virtual Mackie display, to squeeze back a tiny bit of screen space…  




8 months 2 weeks ago


If you'd like I can make the font - actually easiest to make two: one with and one without dot.

Not much trouble……