Any possibility to get / use the R8 Editor on MacOs... ? HELP

By DerFrager, 18 October, 2023

Hey there ! 

im going a little bonkers cause i cant find any way of editing the R8 via my MacOs based Computer. If i wouldnt go the road down to very expensive Midi Quest, what i just cant do right now and the forseeable future. I would be ENORMOUSLY glad if anybody had some pointers for me, how i could go about doing and using it. Or if there is anything similar out there... 

Might there be any interest in the idea of making a intel based version atleast ? Rosetta wouldnt hurt to use, as long as it runs "natively" on the mac cause VMs and such seem to be tricky with midi situations and for sure slower / more hacky then a Rosetta Version running on a M1 Max would be, atleast i believe so... 

Yeah well :) 

Maybe someone can enlighten me :) 


Have a great time ! 

Mark van den Berg

1 year 3 months ago

In 2015, when I started releasing OS X editions of some of my applications, the original idea was to release OS X editions of all my applications.
But in the end I restricted myself to my most popular applications (MIDI Tools, BC Manager and FCB1010 Manager) and A-880 Manager (which was simple to convert to OS X).
I didn't get round to developing OS X editions for the other applications for two reasons: (1) it would have been a lot of work (perhaps 100 hours per application), and (2) there was relatively little interest in those applications.

Now that Apple has changed from Intel to ARM CPUs, I have even less incentive to start developing Intel-based macOS editions, because the "benefit/effort ratio" has become even smaller, particularly if we take history into account: Apple introduced Rosetta 1 in 2006 to facilitate the transition from PowerPC to Intel, but abandoned it in 2011, so it seems almost certain that Apple will also abandon Rosetta 2 in a few years' time.

And since I don't have the hardware, I can't develop ARM-based macOS editions.

First of all HUGE THANKS Mark!  

For clearing that up and making it easier to grasp from the outside perspective. Would you be open though to let others work on a ported ARM version who would be interested in it and able to pull of the job ? 

I could get it going now, atleast the program in itself works -> i did it via "Porting Kit" a free software -> , i also tried which didnt see my midi interface and therefore was a worthless try, also it wouldve cost something in the end. 

With the "Porting Kit" ""Port"" though i see my Midi Interface, which is also my Audio Interface.

I get a Midi In Message, which i can see and monitor in the editors monitoring window for incoming signals, the right channel how i assigned it on the R8 directly for outcoming midi messages.

But i somehow cant send my edited informations from the editor to the device. Is it crucial to set up a Midi Pipe ? Or is something else weird here, cause it shouldve a working connection as the editor is atleast receiving midi :) That would be wonderful if you could shine some light onto that situation :D 

Would you be open though to let others work on a ported ARM version who would be interested in it and able to pull of the job ?


But i somehow cant send my edited informations from the editor to the device. Is it crucial to set up a Midi Pipe ? Or is something else weird here, cause it shouldve a working connection as the editor is atleast receiving midi :) That would be wonderful if you could shine some light onto that situation :D

I'm not an expert on MIDI communication on macOS, so I can only give some general advice:
What I always do when MIDI communication doesn't work, is try to pinpoint the cause of the problem.
For instance, if MIDI messages from a computer program have to go through a MIDI interface to reach a hardware device, I try to establish whether the MIDI interface actually passes on the messages correctly, by setting up a loop from that interface back to the computer, and then monitoring what comes back.
The first thing to establish is whether any MIDI messages arrives at the other end. If not, there must be something wrong with the signal path as such. But if some MIDI messages do arrive and others don't, the signal path as such is not the problem. (For instance, SysEx messages might get lost or maimed while channel messages (Note On, Control Change etc.) do arrive correctly.)
My MIDI Tools program can be very useful during such tests: its "MIDI input messages" window monitors the incoming MIDI messages, and there are various windows from which you can send MIDI messages. For instance, from the "MIDI System messages" window you can send System messages, including generic SysEx messages of any length. So for instance in this way you could discover that a MIDI interface passes on SysEx messages longer than a particular length incorrectly.

Hope this helps,


1 year 3 months ago

"Error: Cannot connect MIDI-thru

Unbekannter externer Fehler."

Is when i activate the Midi Output and the Thru.

I'm not quite sure what's going on here exactly. But in any case the MIDI Thru of the Windows editions of my applications uses the MIDI Thru facility of the Windows MIDI system, so it doesn't surprise me that it doesn't work correctly on a Mac, not even in a virtualized Windows environment. So you should probably not try to set up MIDI Thru via one of my Windows programs on a Mac.
If I remember correctly, macOS itself allows the user to set up MIDI Thru connections via its Audio/MIDI configuration window, which is why I've never bothered to devise some kind of MIDI Thru facility in the macOS editions of my applications.