BCF2000 button issue

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gareth8118's picture
BCF2000 button issue

Hi all, first post from me. I recently picked up a BCF2000 for free on a local FB group, and have been slowly figuring out what's wrong with it. There's quite a lot of corrosion on the back panel around the footswitch sockets, but it powers up and it appears to almost work - but some of the buttons don't appear to function. I managed to get the BC Manager "Test Hardware" patch onto it to help debug the issue, and the video below shows the details - but the long story short is that one button (Preset Down) doesn't appear to work and all, and around half a dozen other buttons send 8 CC messages (4 '0' and 4 '1') instead of toggling the CC value from 0 to 1 or 1 to 0 as the other buttons do:


Since this is the test patch, it looks very much like a hardware issue to me, at least two different issues. I think the next step is to open up the unit with Mark's very clear guide but I wondered if anyone had seen similar issues with their B-Control units in the past.

Mark van den Berg
Mark van den Berg's picture

Since this is the test patch, it looks very much like a hardware issue to me


I think the next step is to open up the unit with Mark's very clear guide but I wondered if anyone had seen similar issues with their B-Control units in the past.

In the last few years I've seen more and more reports of people experiencing severe hardware problems with second-hand BCFs/BCRs they've acquired.
You could try using the Search feature of this website to find these reports in this forum.
I can't remember whether I've ever seen a report about the specific issues you're having, though I'm sure you've already seen this topic, being the very last topic started before yours.

Since I'm no electronics specialist, I can't say anything about what's going wrong electronically in your BCF.
But you've got little to lose, so I'd say open up the device and see what's inside: dust, corrosion or whatever, and take it from there.

Good luck!

GluBloB's picture

Well, it seems to be working, but not the good way.  My tip is: Carefully open it and clean al the connectors that you can pull-out. Put a drip (Non agressive contact spray Kontakt 61 (blue NOT 60 red) or WD-40 on the black top of each button and press it many times. (don't use any cleaner on the rotarys). This can help for some pushbuttons , the others you have to replace. They cost about nothing, but you need the same length for the black Top.  Post if this was a help for you.