GS10 on Windows 10?

By Iron_maker, 31 July, 2017

Hello all,

I'm the proud owner of a GS10 for many years now. I recently upgraded to Windows 10 and I found out that the driver foe the GS10 doesnt work on Windows 10. Is there anybody out there who has found a way to make the GS10 work on Windows 10?

All help greatly appreciated.



Mark van den Berg

7 years 6 months ago

Hi Philippe,

For various reasons I have never tried Windows 10 yet (I'm still on good old Windows 7), so I can't offer any authoritative advice.

Anyway, in my limited understanding the problem is that all the recent 64-bit editions of Windows (starting with 7 (or even Vista?)) require hardware driver signing:
What's more, Microsoft's rules for driver signing have become more and more strict:

However, this article suggests that driver signing can still be circumvented in Windows 10 64-bit:
But I have no idea whether this will work for the "old" GS-10 driver.

Then again, the "old" GS-10 driver might not work even on the 32-bit edition of Windows 10, due to some other reason.
Which edition of Windows 10 are you using?



2 years 1 month ago

In reply to by Mark van den Berg

Hi Mark, its me again. I previously got this working with windows 10 but just updated to windows 11. I was wondering if you knew how to make the drivers compatible again. Thanks a lot!

Sorry, I can't help you with Windows 11: I'm still on Windows 7 [emoticon:blush]
So maybe someone else can shed light on Windows 11.
Does Windows 11 treat the GS-10 driver differently than Windows 10?


7 years 6 months ago

Hi Mark,

thanks for getting back to me, with your help and a bit of further searching, I found a way to get it to work. Like you said, you have to disable the driver signing thingee. However, then Windows comes back saying the driver is no good anyway. With a bit of further searching, I found a way to get a GT-10 to work(…). However, I don't have a GT10, but a GS10... but with a bit of trial and error, I got the thing to work! For those interested, here's how:

Download the latest (Windows 7) drivers from the Roland / Boss website

Unzip file

In the "Files" directory, locate RDIF1030.INF and open this file with a text editor (e.g. Notepad).

Replace the following line (I think it's line 38)




and then replace the following line (I think it's line 47)





That did the trick for me. I did this a while back, but forgot how to do it. So I suggest to anybody trying this: make notes or create a bookmark so you can find the information back!


Hppe this helps.



Mark van den Berg

7 years 6 months ago

In reply to by Iron_maker

Amazing that the "incompatibility" can be overcome by simply raising the version number.
Thanks very much for sharing this solution!



3 years 5 months ago

In reply to by Iron_maker

Thank you so much - I've been looking all over for this solution and I cant believe it worked. I cant thank you enough


6 years 8 months ago

Hi guys.

Apologies for not speaking English correctly.

Thank you for creating this website and by his advices, thus have been able to make work my GS-10 in Windows 10.

Kind regards.


5 years 7 months ago

I revive this one year old thread only to say that if you set USB:Driver Mode to Standard the GS10 is recognized and works under Win10 without any installation (I think it becomes usb class compliant).
I don't know the performance difference between standard and advanced, anyway.

Hope this can help.



Mark van den Berg

5 years 7 months ago

In reply to by sim1969

if you set USB:Driver Mode to Standard the GS10 is recognized and works under Win10 without any installation (I think it becomes usb class compliant).

Thanks for pointing this out - that's good to know!

I don't know the performance difference between standard and advanced, anyway.

The GS-10's Owner's Manual specifies the differences between Standard and Advanced Mode in the section called "Installing & Setup the USB Driver" (pp. 125-163).
The main points: the Special Driver (cf. Advanced Mode) allows 24-bit samples and ASIO (including an "ASIO Direct Monitor", cf. p. 162), the Standard Driver only 16-bit samples and no ASIO.
So (depending on one's situation/needs) the performance difference can be huge.


4 years 10 months ago


There is an easier way to install old drivers (for Windows 7 and 8) on Windows 10. I tried for gS-10 drivers and it worked. No hacking required.

Two steps:

1) Reboot your PC in the “Disable driver signature enforcement” mode.

2) Install the last driver (available from Roland/Boss website) launching the .exe installer and following the wizard.

GS-10 will show in Windows 10 as an input/output audio device.

Mark van den Berg

4 years 10 months ago

In reply to by pessjazz

This is the method described in the article at I linked to in comment #2 above, isn't it?
It's good to learn that this method does work for the old GS-10 driver.
However, this method does have its drawbacks: it causes a security risk, and an annoying, scary watermark is displayed on the desktop.


3 years 10 months ago

Tried iron-maker's suggestion & no success.

Tried pessjazz's suggestion - temporarily disabling driver enforcement - (with changes in place to RDIF1030.INF as per iron-maker) & it worked.

Thx to pessjazz & iron-maker.


3 years 4 months ago

Just an update in 2021...

The above did not EXACTLY work for me in Windows 10 (20H2)

I followed Ironmaker's suggestion above (comment #3), turning off secure boot in BIOS, then turning off driver signing via command prompt. Then I modified the "RDIF1030" file as suggested, with one small (and possibly insignificant) modification - on line 48, I changed ";; Windows7" to ";; Windows10"

However, in order to get the install file to work I had to right click the file and select "troubleshoot compatibility", then follow the wizard: "try recommended settings" > "test the program" > next > save these settings for this program > close

Then, I ran the installer as admin (right click "run as administrator")

The installer worked and the driver appeared to be working fine.

THEN... after a few times using the driver in Ableton and Cubase, I found when I re-open the program the driver cannot be selected - it says the GS-10 "cannot be found".

Having recovered from the shock and disappointment... I then tried the ASIO4ALL driver (easily available free, just google). The GS-10 can be selected within ASIO4ALL's control panel and works fine.


So that's what worked for me in 2021... hope that helps anyone else who has similar problems.

Good luck and have fun with your GS-10... still  an outstanding bit of kit :)


just to add... you can disable testsigning via command prompt and re-enable secure boot in BIOS once you've installed the driver and all still works fine.


2 years 3 months ago

I've owned a Boss GS-10 Processor since 2005 and for the last 17 years used it in Windows XP and Windows 7.  For the past 2 years since I've changed to Windows 10 computers, my Boss GS-10 Processor worked fine but was no longer able to connect to Windows.  I did use it with Ubuntu Linux and the built in Rackarrack utilities, but it wasn't as good as using it with Windows.  Thanks to the above posted tips, I am able to use my Boss GS-10 once again with Windows, this time finally with Windows 10.  Plus, I was able to change the battery, again because of the great information on this website.  


1 year 11 months ago

I can not get the GS-10 to work on Windows 11.

I edited the INF files as specified and disable driver signatures.  But when I tried to install, it still says "unsupported OS".  I even tried to edit using 11 instead of 10, but that made no difference.

I also tried using ASIO4all but it did not show the GS-10.

I can get sound in by using USB drive in standard mode, but I need MIDI to use the manager. BTW, configuring audio and midi with the standard driver no longer work.


dinotoad - in Tucson


1 year 11 months ago

What I did, that did not work on Windows 11:




; edited by DW





;; WindowsVista 64 or Windows XP 64

;; not supported


;; Windows7

%RDID0030DeviceDesc%=RDID0030Install, USB\VID_0582&PID_003B ; GS-10


; edited by DW


;; not supported




1 year 11 months ago

Dinotoad, accepting that you would rather have the convenience of your GS-10 working via USB, the GS-10 does have MIDI ports, so any decent USB-MIDI interface should give you a work-around for editing.  But don’t get a cheap one off eBay- they don’t handle Sysex well.

Will this work with GS-10 manager and Boss editor and librarian?  Do you know of one you recommend?

Right now I am trying to create a Windows 7 bookable usb drive for an old laptop :-)


1 year 11 months ago

Check the manuals - if the software allows you to choose a MIDI port other than defaulting to USB, then you should be fine using 5-pin MIDI.

As for a suitable interface, pretty much anything by a trusted brand should be OK, but I have also used a MIDIBox 4x4 for Sysex without issue.  Have a look here:…

I would generally avoid a simple USB to to 2 midi flying leads, but ESI is a good brand.  I suggest checking the reviews and make sure that they mention success with using Sysex.  All of them can play some notes/controllers, but that is a lot lighter-weight than transferring Sysex - a decent buffer is required in the interface.