FCB1010 manager receiving from but not sending data to the unit

By PPiotr, 3 December, 2020


I strongly suspect this is because my FCB1010's firmware was never updated.. but taking a chance nonetheless: I downlad data from the unit to the manager but not send (the config light does not go out).

Any chance that this is not because of the outdated firmware? Any fixes I could try while waiting for the chip?




4 years 1 month ago

PPS. So, managed to send data to FCB1010... however, only the NOTE settings are being sent properly, CC don't seem to be sent correctly and/or with some additional settings for SYS, etc. NOTEs work correctly after manually turning off the unnecessary settings, but not the CC. Guess no way around updating firmware....

Mark van den Berg

4 years 1 month ago

You say that your firmware is outdated. Do you know which version that actually is?

As far as I know, FCB1010 Manager works correctly with Behringer firmware versions 2.4 and 2.5: these are the ROM chips that I have myself and have tested extensively.

I don't know the specifications of any earlier firmware versions, so I can't say whether such an earlier version could cause these CC problems.
In fact it seems strange, since CC is a core feature of the FCB1010; but who knows: maybe the data format of the SysEx message containing the FCB1010 setup was different in earlier versions.