BC Manager

BC Manager is an advanced utility for working with Behringer's BCF2000 and BCR2000 MIDI Controllers.

Don't forget to check out the B-Control user file section, containing user-contributed presets etc. for the BCF2000 and BCR2000.

Before you download BC Manager, please consider the following:
Over the years, many thousands of people have downloaded BC Manager.
However, only about 160 of those have made a donation, totalling about US$3000.
So in consideration of the abt. 10,000 hours it has taken me to develop BC Manager, my earnings currently (Dec. 2021) stand at about $0.30 per hour.
If this makes you feel a bit guilty, you are kindly invited to 'relieve yourself' by making a small donation via the Donate page at this website.
Thank you in advance!

BC Manager 4.1.2 for macOS

New features of this version:

  • The application no longer refuses to open the "MIDI devices" dialog box when a MIDI I/O device doesn't have a name, manufacturer, model or unique ID. Instead, the "MIDI devices" dialog box now calls any undefined property "UNDEFINED".
  • Mackie monitor windows no longer have the wrong height when the user makes them visible for the first time.
  • BCL editor windows show the current position on the statusbar again.
bcman-4.1.2.dmg (5.61 MB)

BC Manager 4.1.2 for Windows - Installer

New features of this version:

  • Error messages concerning MIDI I/O devices have become more informative: they now always mention the MIDI I/O device involved.
  • In the Mackie monitor windows, the legend ("1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8") is displayed correctly in all Windows display themes and application skins.
  • The Mackie monitor windows shrink vertically to exclude the legend when it has been disabled.
  • The Mackie monitor windows support Windows 10's "Per Monitor v2" DPI awareness protocol.

BC Manager 4.1.2 for Windows - Portable 32-bit

This is the 32-bit portable edition of BC Manager 4.1.2 for Windows.
You don't need to install this edition: simply unzip it to a folder to which you have write-access and run BCMan.exe.
This edition runs on 32- and 64-bit Windows, although for 64-bit Windows the 64-bit portable edition is recommended.

BC Manager 4.1.2 Manual

This is the manual for all editions of BC Manager 4.1.2.

Note: All the above editions of BC Manager 4.1.2 contain this manual too and will install or extract it automatically, so you don't need to download it separately here. So if you're updating from a previous version, just download the corresponding package above and install or extract it, and you'll be able to read the manual anyway.

BCR2000 layout
BCR2000 preset table
BCR2000 encoder table
BCR2000 encoder