BC Manager is an advanced utility for working with Behringer's BCF2000 and BCR2000 MIDI Controllers.
Don't forget to check out the B-Control user file section, containing user-contributed presets etc. for the BCF2000 and BCR2000.
Before you download BC Manager, please consider the following:
Over the years, many thousands of people have downloaded BC Manager.
However, only about 160 of those have made a donation, totalling about US$3000.
So in consideration of the abt. 10,000 hours it has taken me to develop BC Manager, my earnings currently (Dec. 2021) stand at about $0.30 per hour.
If this makes you feel a bit guilty, you are kindly invited to 'relieve yourself' by making a small donation via the Donate page at this website.
Thank you in advance!